miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016


MATURITY: The quality or state of being mature.

·         TYPE: Set of characteristics that causes them to be regarded as a group, more or less precisely defined or designated; class; category.

EVOLUTION: Any process of formation or growth.

·         GAME: A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.

·         ACTIVITY: Work, especially in elementary grades at school that involves direct experience by the student rather than textbook study.

OPERANT CONDITONING: Is a form of learning by which a subject is more likelihood to repeat the behaviors that entail positive consequences and, conversely, less likelihood to repeat those involving negative consequences.

·        RACKET: Different object to play sports, ping pong, tennis, squash, etc.

·         LAUNCH: It corresponds an act which seeks to promote something, in order to promote him or transport to travel a distance.

·         PROTOCOL: The customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence and etiquette.

ATTITUDE: Manner or way one thinks about.

·         LAW: The principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognized and enforced by judicial decision.

PSYCHOLOGHY: The science of the mind or of mental states and processes.

LEARNING: Knowledge obtained by careful study in any field of scholarly work.

·         RHYTHM: Movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat, accent, or the like.

·         SKILL: The ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well.

·         EFECTIVE: Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expensed result.

·         FLEXIBLE: Capable of being bent, usually without breaking; easily bent.

DEVELOPMENT: The act or process of developing

HOMEWORK: Schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom.

EMOTIONAL: Pertaining to or involving emotion or the emotions.

COGNITIVE:The mental act of learning

BEHAVIOR: The activity of a human or animal that can be observed.

·         BALL: A round or roundish body, of various sizes and materials, either hollow or solid, for use in games, as baseball, football, tennis, etc.

MOBILITY: The quality of being mobile.

SKILL: The knowledge or ability to do something well.

TEARCHING: The act or profession of one who teaches.

CLASSIC CONDITIONAL: Learning process by which an organism establishes an association between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned incentive, with the conditioned stimulus capable of eliciting a conditioned answer.

PSYCHOLOGHY: The science of the mind or of mental states and processes.

INFANCY: The state or period of being an infant.

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